Download Notepad++ 6.5.2 Full Version for PC

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Notepad++ 6.5.2 Free Full Version for PC: Are you searching for the best text editor which can support multi view and several other gusty features like giving you support in the case of writing HTML and CSS JavaScript codes etc? If yes, then you are at the right place at the right time.This Notepad++ has several gusty features.

Features of Notepad++ 6.5.2 Full Version for PC

  • Syntax Highlighting feature.
  • Syntax folding.
  • Now its too easy to edit your HTML CSS codes!
  • Blogging Aid.
  • Auto completion.
  • Multi View.
  • Multi Document.
  • Full drag and drop supported.
  • Free 100%
  • Latest Version.
  • Colorful Codings.
  • Multi Language supported.
  • Bookmark.
  • Macro recording and playback.

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Free Download Latest Version CCleaner 4.09.4471 for PC

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Free Download Latest Version CCleaner 4.09.4471 : Did you have a low space on your Hard Disk and can,t delete your data for freeing the Hard disk space? If yes, then you are at the right place at the right time CCleaner is the best choice for, removing the unecessary Internet browsers data or history, removing the unused files too.The best feature of this software is that it have a separate featured registry cleaner.This software takes very less time to run because it have no additional shareware or Adware to make it slow while loading!


Features of CCleaner 4.09.4471

  • Cleans all the History of the browsers.
  • 100% Free.
  • Latest version.
  • Fast run.
  • Fasten your PC.
  • Remove unused Log files.
  • 100% spyware free.
  • Malware Free.
  • No adware or shareware.
  • PC version.
Download Recommended:
Download Latest Version Internet Download Manager Free

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    Add 3 in 1 Slide out Followers Box widget in Blogger

    Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 Desember 2013 0 komentar
    3 in 1 Slide Out Followers box widget: Did you want to increase your followers throughout the social media hub? If yes, then 3 in 1 Slide out box widget is the best way for increasing your blog followers. Actually by adding this widget three Top social media boxes is added to the right side of your blog which slides out when someone hover over it. These contains the following social media boxes.
    1) Facebook Slide out box.
    2) Twitter Slide out box.
    3) Google Plus slide out box.

    How To Add 3 in 1 Slide out Followers Box widget in Blogger

    • First of all Visit Blogger Dashboard.
    • Then go to your site.
    • Now click on layout, then Add a Gadget link.
    • A list of gadgets will appear, select the HTML JavaScript gadget from that lists of gadget.
    • Now copy the below code and paste it inside the HTML JavaScript gadget box.
    <script src=""></script>  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />  <script src=""></script>    <div id="on">    <div id="facebook_right" style="top: 12%;">      <div id="facebook_div">        <img alt="" src="" />        <iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//;width=200&amp;height=346&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false"        style="border: none; height: 346px; overflow: hidden; width: 200px;"></iframe>      </div>    </div>  </div>  <div id="on">    <div id="twitter_right" style="top: 28%;">      <div id="twitter_div">        <img id="twitter_right_img" src="" />  <div style="width:248px;font-size:8px;text-align:right;"><script type="text/javascript">  document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=',1,2,248,279,ffffff,0,c4c4c4,101010,1,1,336699' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div>        </div>      </div>    </div>    <div id="on">      <div id="google_plus_right" style="top: 45%;">        <div id="google_plus_div">          <img id="google_plus_right_img" src="" />          <div style="float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;">            <a href=''>              <img alt='Blogging Tips and Tricks And Tutorials' src='' />            </a>            <div class="g-plus" data-action="followers" data-height="250" data-href="" data-source="blogger:blog:followers" data-width="270"></div>            <script type="text/javascript">            (function () {              window.___gcfg = {                'lang': 'en'              };              var po = document.createElement('script');              po.type = 'text/javascript';              po.async = true;              po.src = '';              var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];              s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);            })();            </script>          </div>        </div>      </div></div>
    Customization Before Saving:
    Make sure you made the following changes in the script:
    1. Replace the URL in green with your Google Plus ID URL.
    2. Replace the URL in Blue with your Twitter username.
    3. Replace the URL in red color with your Facebook ID URL or Fan page URL.
    • Now click on the Save gadget button and Enjoy!!
      Also Read:
      If you find any problems while doing this Tutorial ask us through the comment box, we will resolve your problems if we can!!

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      How to Create Table of Contents or HTML Sitemap for Blogger

      Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
      Table of Contents or HTML sitemap: Actually sitemap is a list of your contents you posted on your blog.There are two types of Sitemaps:
      1)HTML Sitmap or table of contents: This type of sitemap is created for human, it is human readable.Mean that it provide some ease for your readers to find the specific post of your blog.
      2)XML sitemap for search engines:This type of sitemap is designed for search engines, search engines uses XML sitemaps to crawl your sites, its very necessary to install this sitemap on Google.
      Here we will show you how you can create an HTML sitemap or Table of contents for blogger.However we will later post on XML sitemap and will teach you how you can add XML sitemaps for blogger.

      How to create table of contents or HTML sitemap for blogger

      • First Visit Blogger Dashboard.
      • Now go to your site.
      • Click on the Pages tab, then New blank page as shown below.
      • Now Blogger editor will open the Blank page.
      • Click on the EDIT HTML there.
      • Copy the below script and paste it between the two lines as shown in the image below.
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=1000&amp;callback=loadtoc" type="text/javascript"></script>
      •  In the title give any Name e.g Sitemap or Table of Contents etc.
      • Now press the Publish button
      • And that's it your sitemap is created!! Enjoy.
      If you face any problems while doing the Tutorial ask us through the comment box we are here to solve your problems.

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      50+ Best Professional Blogger Templates

      Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 Desember 2013 0 komentar
      50+ Professional Blogger Templates: Few days to experience with 2013, Trickspunch is going to share some extravagant Blogger templates with all of you.All of these templates are professional and SEO ready made by professional bloggers.These templates have awesome design to meet the needs of all of you.I am sure these 50 plus templates must contains the choice of all the peoples.Following are those awesome blogger templates:

       List of 50+ Professional Blogger Templates


       The above links contains their corresponding featured templates which we recently posted, install these templates and enjoy high quality professional look of your blog.
      If you have any problems while installing or something else regarding blogging ask us we are here to solve your problems.

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      Badland game: Explore the secrets of Jungle

      Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Desember 2013 0 komentar
      You have seen the movie Avatar and you know how director James Cameron superbly shown Pandora, its lush green jungle, the never seen before creatures and the secrets hidden in the jungle and you feel like you are actually in that place. Similarly, at times we come across few games, which are so different and mystical in nature, be it their graphics, the setup or the game play. 

      This time I am covering one such game, Badland, presented by frogmind. Badland is a game with absolutely stunning graphics and has a jungle setup shown in it which is so mysterious but at the same time dangerous. The jungle looks really beautiful and the background sounds complete the experience of roaming around in a strange jungle.

      Badland is a side scrolling game in which you control and play an unusual looking flying character. The idea is to cross the jungle which is full of unusual dangers without getting killed. Badland can be played in single player as well as multiplayer mode, I have not tried the multiplayer mode yet but I am sure it is also equally challenging.

      Badland game: Launch screen
      Badland game: Launch screen
      The game loads surprisingly very quickly, the game levels are divided across two days. The days are divided into four parts (isn't that obvious) namely: Dawn, Noon, Dusk and Night, and further each part has 10 levels (so, in all 80 levels). Each level has its own objectives and depending on the objectives you achieve you get eggs as your prize.

      The controls are very easy, actually there is just one control, you just need to touch the screen and the character flaps enabling it to fly, you can touch the screen repeatedly to flap repeatedly or just keep your finger on the screen to achieve the same result.

      Badland game: Level selection
      Badland game: Level selection
      As the level starts, the character (alas, no name given to it) is resting on the ground, and as it flaps it starts flying and move forward, because it's a physics based game, once it stops flapping it drops on the ground. As soon as the character started moving ahead there is no stopping, it should keep on moving forward because if it stops and goes out of the screen window the level ends immediately. Therefore, that's the first thing to keep in mind.

      Badland game: I cloned myself
      Badland game: I cloned myself
      While moving forward, it acquires some abilities that are needed to cross the hurdles, as it can get bigger and heavier by touching the fruits on the way so that it can push heavier objects out of its way. Similarly it can again get in shape or even shrink in size by touching those fruits.

      Badland game: Get bigger or smaller at will
      Badland game: Get bigger or smaller at will
      Then there are powers by which it can clone itself and get a single or multiple companions. This also helps it to move forward because to cross some hurdles it needs to perform some tasks simultaneously and for that, it needs companions. 

      Badland game: It's my army
      Badland game: It's my army
      It's not just powers which can be picked, there are some I should say "weakness" which also has to be picked by the character which can slow it down and make its journey more difficult like it can pick a sticky weakness which makes it extremely sticky causing it to stick to anything it touches. Similarly, a bouncy weakness if acquired make the character excessively bouncy and it keeps on bouncing here and there instead of moving forward.

      Badland game: It's sticky and deadly
      Badland game: It's sticky and deadly
      Also, there are sharp rotating saws, pointed needles which can instantly kill the character and few time based traps which if not crossed within a short time can block the character and your game will be over.

      Badland game: Trapped to dead
      Badland game: Trapped to dead
      I strongly suggest you to install this game to actually get the feel of this stunning and highly addictive game, you will surely not regret.

      Wish you happy holidays and a very Happy New Year!

      How much it costs you: Not a single penny for Day 1 levels, then if you like you can buy the remaining and additional levels.

      If you like this post or know any other app / game in the same category, let me know via comments section.
      To get notification about the new posts on this blog, do not forget to subscribe to this blog through email subscription option from the side bar.

      See also:
      Other posts in this series:

      1. Manuganu: fantastic running game with difference
      2. Beach Buggy Blitz : A fantastic racing game which will transport you toa stunning island, that too for free

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      Tips Menghilangkan Duplikat Lagu dan Gambar di Handphone Android

      Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

      Pernah Anda menemukan 2 atau 3 bahkan 4 judul lagu yang sama di pemutar musik handphone Android ...? Coba buka aplikasi pemutar musik anda dan perhatikan baik baik apakah disitu ada lebih dari satu judul lagu yang sama namun muncul pesan error saat anda memilih lagu tersebut, penasaran anda lalu mencoba lagu yang sama dibaris kedua, masih error, lagu ketiga masih error, dan baru bisa waktu anda pilih duplikat ke 4. Huff !!!

      Apa yang akan anda lakukan dengan 3 duplikat lagu dengan judul yang sama tersebut? Menghapusnya? Berarti anda harus mencoba satu persatu lagu dengan judul yang sama lalu menghapus yang error. Bayangkan kalau anda memiliki 100 lagu dan memiliki 4 x duplikat nya? Berapa banyak waktu yang anda habiskan? Bagaimana anda bisa yakin kalau lagu yang akan anda hapus adalah lagu yang error? Bagaimana kalau anda ternyata justru menghapus lagu yang benar.

      Frustrasi..??? gak lagi karena ada tips sederhana yang bisa dilakukan oleh semua pemilik handphone android untuk mengatasi kondisi seperti ini. Oh ya, segampang itu kah?

      Yup emang gampang kok, berikut langkah yang bisa anda lakukan;
      1. Temukan Setting/pengaturan di handphone anda
      2. Pilih manajemen aplikasi/Applications Manager
      3. Anda akan menemukan tiga bagian yaitu Downloaded- Running - All, pilih ALL
      4. Cari/temukan Media Storage => Pilih Media Storage lalu pencet Clear Data
      5. Begitu selesai langsung restart/matikan dan hidupkan lagi perangkat android anda
      6. Untuk melihat hasilnya, buka aplikasi pemutar musik dan ... TUNGGU!!! Jangan kaget, begitu anda menghidupkan aplikasi pemutar musik, tidak ada satupun file lagu disana, tapi jangan khawatir, tunggu saja beberapa saat, file lagu anda akan muncul satu persatu... dan tanpa ada duplikasi sama sekali.

      Catatan :

      Dengan melakukan langkah diatas, secara kebetulan anda sudah mengatasi 2 masalah sekaligus di perangkat android anda... oh ya, apa itu?

      Sebelum anda melakukan langkah diatas coba perhatikan album foto anda, buka aplikasi album anda, dan lihat apakah disitu ada beberapa gambar yang tidak kelihatan preview nya alias gak muncul gambarnya...? Nah langkah diatas tidak hanya menghilangkan judul lagu yang sama di pemutar musik anda tapi juga menghilangkan duplikasi gambar yang tidak bisa dibuka di album foto anda.

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      How to add Floating Social media share buttons to Blogger

      Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 Desember 2013 19 komentar
      floating-social-media-share-buttonsFloating Social Media Share Buttons: As someone says "sharing is caring". According to this statement social media is plays a major role in optimization and traffic of your blog. When peoples like you actually Google likes you.But peoples will like you if you are creative and you provide some ease for them.For example if someone visits your blog and you have no social Media share buttons widget on your blog, No Facebook Fan like box then peoples have no time to copy your link and paste it in their status for sharing even if they like their post by heart. You should have to add a social media widget for them for creating some sort of convenience.
      So today I am going to share How to add Floating social media share buttons to blogger.Here floating means by adding this widget this will pop up from the left side having fixed at that place.
      So let me teach you how you can add it.

      How To add Floating Social Media share buttons to Blogger

      • Visit Blogger dashboard.
      • Now click on layout, add a gadget link as shown below.
      •  A list of gadgets will be pop up select HTML Javascript gadget.(as shown below).
      • A box with empty space will pop up.
      • Now copy the below script and paste it inside the HTML javascript gadget.
      <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_counter_style" style="left:47px;top:325px;">
      <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="box_count"></a>
      <a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:count="vertical"></a>
      <a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="tall"></a>
      <a class="addthis_counter"></a>
      <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
      •  Now simply save your gadget.
      • You are done|! Enjoy!
      If you have any problem while adding this widget ask us through the comment box we are here to help you.

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        Water Color Stylish Blogger Template 2013

        Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
        Water Color Stylish: An excellent blogger template having 2 columns stylish background adapted from WordPress has several stunning features.Right sidebar along with beautiful Menu buttons add 5 star to its beauty.This template is most commented template in 2013 according to the survey of has fresh look beautiful stylish design.Template loads very faster it is designed by Falcon hive.

        Key features of Water Color Blogger Template

        • Stylish design.
        • One of the most commented blogger template.
        • Loads faster.
        • Beautiful buttoned menu.
        • Customized widgets right sidebar.
        • Beautiful background.
        • 2 columns.
        • Right sidebar.
        • Perfect with all browsers.
        • Gusty look.
        Top 5 perfect Blogger Templates.
        Simple clean white Blogger Template

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        Bagaimana Cara Mengecek Gadget Android itu Asli atau Replika?

        Posted by Unknown Minggu, 22 Desember 2013 0 komentar
        Apa itu Hp Replika ?

        Yaitu hp tiruan yang bentuknya mirip dengan hp aslinya. Jadi hp replika bisa dikatakan sebagai hp palsu yang dibuat sedemikan rupa menyerupai wujud dari barang yang original yang mana spesifikasinya berbeda dengan spek hp asli yang ditirunya.
        Hp android palsu/replika kini banyak beredar dan harganyapun sangat miring. Hp-hp replika tentu me-replikakan hp2 yang berkelas seperti Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3, iPhone, Nokia N8, dll

        Replika = Clone = KW = Copy = King Copy = SuperCopy
        Penulis pernah berkeliling di suatu forum jual beli dan tiba-tiba menemukan seorang penjual yang menjual Samsung Galaxy S4 baru seharga hanya 3.7 juta, padahal harga baru aslinya 7 jutaan. Dan ternyata itu replika

        Ini dia penampakan hp galaxy s4 replika alias palsu

        Kalo ini yang asli

        Terlihat sangat beda kan? Baik dari sisi body maupun kualitas warna yang dihasilkan,

        Sebenarnya hp replika bukanlah ilegal, banyak juga yang memburunya agar terlihat nge-trend/sekedar gaya dengan bermodalkan budget terbatas. Namun ada pula penjual hp replika yang menjual dengan harga yang menyamai harga hp aslinya dan inilah yang membuat rugi pembelinya.

         selain itu ada cara lain untuk membedakannya yakni :
         cara membedakan hp android palsu atau tidak.

           1. Bukalah website
        Scroll ke bagian bawah halaman, maka akan terlihat nama hp android anda

        Jika android kalian merupakan ponsel android lokal/china (tak terkecuali replika) maka muncul tulisan "Your device is Android Generic Android "

        Sony Xperia apabila dicek melalui cara ini juga tertulis "Your device is Android Generic Android " Hal ini karena negara perakit Sony dari China juga

        2.  Menggunakan AnTuTu Bechmark 
        Antutu benchmark merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang mengukur performa Android anda sekaligus mencatat spesifikasi android anda.
        Lakukan serangkaian test lalu lihatlah pada bagian Authenticated dan System Info. Untuk yang System Info, perhatikanlah spesifikasinya lalu cobalah bandiingkan spesifikasi lengkap hp yang bisa dicari di

        Pada antutu benchmark hp replika akan terdeteksi sebagai 'Unknown Device'

        3.  Menggunakan Sample Camera
        Cobalah kalian memotret menggunakan kamera Android anda, kemudian hasilnya cek di komputer (Windows). Klik kanan file fotonya, klik properties, klik summary, klik advanced. Perhatikan pada bagian “Equpment Make” dan “Camera Model”

        4  Melakukan Tes IMEI

        Buka menu dial(panggilan) lalu ketikan *#06# maka akan muncul sederetan angka yang merupakan nomor imei ponsel kalian.
        Selain itu mengecek IMEI bisa dengan melihat nomor imei yang ada di belakang body ponsel (Buka dulu penutup baterai dan baterainya) serta bisa dilihat di dusbook pembelian)
        Lalu mengetahui nomor IMEI lalu masuklah ke linkberikut
        ketikan nomor imei, lalu akan muncul detail dari ponsel kalian


        Hp Samsung Asli di balik baterai ada Segel Hologram bertuliskan SEIN

        Selain itu, untuk mengecek keaslian hp samsung, caranya download software KIES lalu diinstall di komputer kemudian hubungkan hpnya ke komuter melalui kabel usb dan buka software KIES, Sp Samsung Asli sudah pasti akan terdeteksi kodenya di software KIES

        Cara lain : Buka panggilan/dial, lalu tekan kode *#0*#  Smartphone Samsung asli akan muncul test mode 

        Android anda sudah pasti bukan replika apabila telah melakukan semua tes diatas, dan hasilnya benar/sesuai dengan hp aslinya

        Hp yang dibeli di gerai/dealer resmi sudah pasti hp asli

        Android replika terkadang memiliki status bar yang berbeda

        Hampir sebagian besar hp china/lokal, dan termasuk hp replika menggunakan CPU/Processor MTK dan saat tulisan ini ditulis tidak ada hp Samsung/HTC/Motorola/Sony(kecuali Sony XperiaC) yang menggunakan cpu/processor MTK. Dan untuk mengetahui tipe CPU/Processor, kalian bisa mengetesnya melalui aplikasi CPU-Z

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        Free Internet Download Manager 7.1 Full Versiion for PC

        Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
        Internet Download Manager 7.1: Are you really in search of a software which can download you videos from sites which doesn,t allow you to download videos directly? If yes then you are at the right place at the right time.I have found a version of Internet Download manager 7.1.It is an excellent app for downloading videos from sites which doesn,t support videos to be downloaded directly such as Youtube, Daily motion etc.This software not only download videos but it can download any thing for you.
        It have several stunning features such as controlling the downloading rate, adding a specific URL of the video to download.As far as its speed is concerned it have a lot better speed then a typical browser down-loader speed.This is probably due to the fact that it split the file into fragments and then combine it when downloaded as a result the file is downloaded faster.It have also the ability to resume and schedule the downloads in to different files.You can download this software free on our blog.

        Features of Internet Download Manager 7.1

        • Faster download.
        • full version.
        • No trials.
        • 100% free.
        • Resuming downloads capabilty.
        • Supports URL to download videos.
        • Minimum system requirements.
        • Almost work on any PC.
        • PC version.
        • Simple GUI.
        • Speed controller.
        • Free on our blog.
        Recommended: Minimize your files size with FileMinimizersuite7.0.

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        Basic Tips for Starting a Blog in 2014

        Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013 0 komentar
        Basic Tips For Blogging in 2014: Before giving you the basic tips of Blogging, first of all you need to know what is a blog? The answer is simple:
        A personal website on which an individual or group of peoples share opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.
        So now you may get the idea what is a Blog? Coming towards, the next topic, How to Create a Blog?
        It is extremely simple to create a blog?

        • First of all create a Gmail account.
        • Go to, enter your Gmail account you have created.
        • There click on the New Blog button, give the title of your blog, and also the address.
        • Thats it you have created a blog.
        According to the above mentioned steps it is too easy to make a blog, just like making an account on social media sites. But maintaining a blog, getting flood of traffic, developing readership, creating an ecosystem is a really difficult thing.Its really need a lot of Hard work.You should have to work day and night consistently in order to get succeeded.This Hard work is consist of several phases out of which I am going to share the basic or Fundamental steps or tips to develop your blog.

        1. NICHE or Topic:

        After learning about the blog.A question arises What to blog about? Basically these type of questions lay the foundation of your blog.The answer is very simple:
        Any topic about which you, have sufficient knowledge, can satisfied your readers is the niche or topic of your Blog.
        For example I have knowledge about  blogging, HTML, CSS, blog designing so I am doing blogging about How to renovate your blog.
        So Niche is actually the topic which you will be discussing to your readers in detail. It is actually the first step before you start a blog. So you need to take this step very carefully.I am clearing the concept of Niche or Topic through another example:
        Let suppose you have open a shop of selling fruits, means that the title of your shop is Fruits Store. And you put some other stuffs like Toys, Clothes etc. So a person on passing by look at your Shop title he enters in your shop to buy fruits and you have clothes, toys etc in your shop. He will just leave your shop in an anger, saying Oh my God what the hell is this. Same is the case of Blogging.
        If you start blogging about Photography and you share some games in it, so that's too much dull for your blog visitors.When they visit your blog for Photos and pictures and your blog contains Games etc.
        Conclusion:In short, if you start a blog on specific Niche or topic, then you should have to confined to your Niche only.However, you can select Multi Niche also for your blog depending upon your Knowledge.

        2.Posting To Blog or Writing Articles:

         Now that you have selected a Niche, its the time to write inspirational articles there must be a question in your mind.How to write an inspiration article. Bloggers can write an inspiration articles bloggers have the ability to impress their readers.You can also become a blogger if you put some extra effort.Following are the tips to write great articles.
        1. Title of your Posts:Title is actually the king of your articles, so write SEO optimized articles, by SEO we mean use a keyword in your blog which the visitor search for.(Title is the king of your posts)
        2. Don,t copy articles from other blogs.
        3. Write yourself, then only peoples will like your blog.
        4. If peoples like your blog in fact Google like it!
        5. Don,t use Spinner tools. I have seen many guys spinning articles from other bloggers.As a matter of fact is a Sin. And also Google hates copying.
        6. For some days spinned articles got position in Google but when they update their Algorithms like Google Panda, Humming birds.They remove the spinned and copied articles from Google.
        Conclusion: In short, if you write articles on your own then you can become blogger otherwise your blog will be ignored by the search engines.

        3.Essential SEO techniques:

        So you learn how to post to your blog. But obviously not too much.So this section will cover your post optimization to search engines.What is SEO?
        Abbreviated as Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results.
        This is the standard definition of SEO by Wikipedia, so looking to the definition the is a word natural or Organic traffic.By natural or organic we means the traffic which you got from search engines naturally without paying to any site.Actually there are a lot of SEO tactics out of which I am going to share the basic tips;
        Conclusion: Don,t do keywords stuffing.

        4.Blog designing:

        Although designing is a very huge field, but bloggers who have command on certain styling languages share their Tutorials on blog designing.
        Designing is also really very important for a blog to be liked by the peoples. Because peoples or visitors like creativity. You should really have to give them a navigable design of your site so they can navigate or explore your blog content easily. We also write some articles on Designing you can cover a little designing from our site.

        5. Sharing Your Blog on social media sites:

        According to someone sharing is caring, this is also the most important and must have to do tactic in order to optimize your posts. When you share your posts and get more likes and shares.It put a positive effect on search engines and it improve your rankings in search engines too.So share your posts to some popular sites like Facebook, Twitter,Digg, Stumble upon etc.Add social media widgets to your blog.
        1. Add floating Facebook like box to Blogger.
        2. Add static Facebook like box to Blogger.

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        Top 5 Professional Blogger Templates

        Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
        We know the importance of Professional Blogger Templates, What is Professional Blogger Template?
              Obviously, you need to be professional and unique then others in order to get a lot of fame throughout the web-field.One of the major Factor is the Template of your Weblog.It needs to be Professional and unique, otherwise you can,t get too much visitors.
        So here I am going to Share some Unique and Professional Blogger Templates hope you will find it interesting.

        Features Of These Blogger Templates

        • Professional design.
        • Ads ready.
        • SEO Ready.
        • Perfect.
        • Top professional navigation menu bars.
        • Designed by professional Bloggers.
        • Attractive color combinations.
        • Gusty features, many more customized widgets.
        • Browsers friendly templates

        Fabric Blogger Template


        ISEO Blogger Template


        MBL Freshable Blogger Template


         NEW TUT Blogger Template


        Labnol Blogger Template 

        Groom Your Blog With professional Look 

        Above were some top Class Professional Blogger templates these templates are seo and ads ready having professional design.So what you are looking for just download these templates from our Blog for free and Enjoy Professional Layouts.
        Free Professional Blogger Templates
        Reviewed by Haider Ali on oct 24 2013

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        Top 10 Premium and SEO ready Blogger Templates

        Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
        Premium-and-seo-ready-blogger-templatesPremium and SEO Ready Blogger Templates: Every one knows the importance of Blogger templates.Finding an attractive template for your blog is very difficult.But now a days bloggers have made thing easy.They made templates and then sell it over the web.But today we are going to share some Free Blogger Templates.These templates are made by professional bloggers which are 100% free on our blog.

        Features of These Blogger Templates

        • SEO ready.
        • Ads ready.
        • Navigable dashboard.
        • Beautiful layouts.
        • Made by professional bloggers.
        • Work with all browser.
        • Gusty features.
        • Premium.
        • Professional
        See preview
        Get this
        2Metro MinimalistSee previewGet this
        3Spice MagSee previewGet this
        4Blue BlogSee previewGet this
        5Professional BloggingSee previewGet this
        6New MashableSee previewGet this
        7Fabric ProfessionalSee previewGet this
        8Lord HTMLSee previewGet this
        9Divinity BloggingSee previewGet this
        10Tech radiosSee previewGet this

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        How to change your Blockquote style in Blogger

        Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
        Change your blockquote style: You might have seen professional Blogs have some really good layouts. And one of those beauty is the Quote style of a Blog. Actually most of the Bloggers use to enclose their script and codes in Quote which is a command in Blogger. But then the style of a Quote depends upon the coding of the template for the Blockquote.Now after studying CSS a little bit I am able to customize that style of the Blockquote.

        Customize Blockquote style

        How To Customize BlockQuote Style In BLogger

        • Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
        • Now navigate to Template and then Edit HTML as shown below.
        • Now proceed a little in the coding.
        • Now Find the below pressing ctrl+f you can find it.
                         Remember that CSS coding for specific tag starts from symbol { and end at }.
        For example you will find 
        blockquote {
         border: solid;
        • Now when you find the above mention thing which is the tag of blockquote in CSS coding.
        • Then copy the below script and replace it with your Blog Blockquote CSS tag. you should have to replace the blockquote tag from this symbol { to this symbol } along with the blockquote word.
        • Replacing it with the above code will customize your Blockquote to my Template style blockquote which is shown above.

        Personal Customization: 

        • Now if you want to change the background for the blockquote then replace the text in red with your own desire color.
        • If you want to change the border color then change the text in Green color with your desire color.
        • If you want to change the border style like dashed groove etc then change the text in Blue to your desired style.


        You may see the text in red and green is numbers and alphabets it is in hexa format, you can also replace that with names like red, Blue,Green.
        Or you can also find the Hexa code of your desired color by from the below link.
        If you guys have any problem in doing this hack simply ask us we are not going to charge you!

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