Apptoko, Download Aplikasi/Games Android Serba Cepat dan Gratis

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 30 November 2013 0 komentar

Aplikasi adalah nyawa sebuah platform mobile. Android yang kini menjadi OS mobile terpopuler pun tak lepas dari peran & jumlah aplikasi yang kini sudah ratusan ribu hinggap di Play Store. Mulai dari games, social media, photography, bussiness hingga education. Ada yang gratis, ada pula yang berbayar. Gratis, tapi banyak iklan yang nongol. Berbayar? Sistem belanja apps di Play Store Indonesia saja baru mendukung Credit Card. Apakah lebih dari 50% pengguna Android di Tanah Air sudah memiliki kartu kredit? Saya rasa masih banyak yang belum punya & metode pembayaran via credit card bukanlah satu-satunya solusi yang tepat. Sistem potong pulsa pun juga masih belum berjalan, so bagaimana kita bisa menikmati aplikasi dengan fitur secara penuh & tanpa gangguan iklan?

Baru-baru ini muncul aplikasi Android karya anak bangsa . Aplikasi yg di dalamnya terdapat ribuan apps/games. Bingung? Ya, aplikasi ini semacam Google Play Store atau portal apps/games Android. Namanya Apptoko. Apptoko menyediakan aplikasi dalam berbagai kategori mulai dari Games, Tool,Connectivity, Media Video, Photography, dll. Uniknya, semua apps/games di Apptoko itu GRATIS. Tentunya semua apps/games di Apptoko adalah pilihan terbaik yg tersedia di Play Store, jadi pengguna Android gak perlu pusing-pusing memilih aplikasi yang sekiranya berguna untuk android-nya.

Aplikasi Apptoko di Play Store

Ada beberapa menu tab di aplikasi Apptoko yaitu Kategori, Berita (News Feed ulasan singkat apps/games), Hot, Baru & Top Download. Ada juga kolom search untuk mencari aplikasi dengan keyword tertentu. Cepat. Masuk ke  apps/games yang ingin diunduh, kamu akan disuguhi dua pilihan download (Download Cepat & Get Torrent). Lalu di bagian bawahnya kamu bisa membaca info apps/games secara detail mulai dari ukuran file, info versi app, rating apps dan screenshot apps. Kamu juga bisa menuliskan komentar tentang aplikasi tersebut agar dibaca oleh pengguna lainnya.

Tampilan menu aplikasi Apptoko dan pengoperasian yang mudah untuk temukan aplikasi yang diinginkan dan download dengan cepat.

Didominasi warna putih dan biru, tampilan Apptoko cukup bersih dan enak dilihat. Lambang aplikasinya sendiri berupa seekor burung. Iya, mirip burung garuda lambang negara kita tercinta, Indonesia. Hanya saja ketika banyak orang yang mengakses Apptoko di waktu yang sama, kadang kecepatan download apps di Apptoko menurun. Meskipun kita telah menggunakan WiFi high speed sekalipun. Mungkin ke depannya server bisa bekerja lebih baik lagi dan tentunya memuaskan para pengguna yang keranjingan belanja secara GRATIS.

Kamu belum install Apptoko? Gampang kok, buka aja Play Store di gadget Androidmu lalu cari aplikasi dengan nama Apptoko. Atau bisa melalui link url Ukuran filenya pun tak lebih dari 4MB alias gak lebay ngabisin kuota paket data di Android. Dapatkan rating apps 4.7, sebagian besar pengguna Apptoko tentu puas dengan layanan aplikasi keren ini. Untuk versi web, kamu bisa akses di jika kamu lebih nyaman download berbagai apps/games keren yang ada di apptoko via PC. Ingin dapatkan info terbaru dan tanya jawab dengan adminnya? Follow aja di akun Twitter @apptoko.

Siapa sih yang gak suka GRATISAN? 

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How To add a background image to Widgets Title in blogger

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 29 November 2013 0 komentar
Add Background image to Sidebar widgets in Blogger: Recently one of our blog readers ask me how he can add a background image to Widgets title in blogger. So its really simple here I am going to show you how you can add a background image to widgets title actually adding background image to to widget title increases your blog attraction.Following is the detailed tutorial how you can do it:

How To Add Background Image To Widgets Title in Blogger

  • Visit Blogger dashboard.
  • Click on template>>Edit HTML.
  • Proceed and press ctrl+f find ]]></b:skin>
  • Now copy the below CSS coding and paste it above the ]]></b:skin> tag.
.sidebar h2 {
background: url("") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-family: "Open Sans",georgia,arial,verdana;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 50px;
line-height: 34px;
margin: 0 0 0 -10px;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
width: 269px;}
  • Now save your template you are almost done!
Recommended Articles:
How To Enclose Blogger posts in Borders
How to add borders or customize your blogger widgets with borders 
If you have problems while doing the tutorial ask us through the comments box we are here to solve your problems.

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How To Enclose Blogger Posts in Borders

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Enclose Your Blogger Posts in Borders: Design a beautiful blog get positive feedback from your visitors! The more you made your blog look attractive the more you get feedback from your visitors, because visitors likes creativity. In fact, Google and other search engines likes creativity. It is an inspirational saying from our friend Iftikhar Uddin :
                             "If peoples Likes your Blog, then it means Google Like your Blog"
According to the above saying the design of your blog is very crucial, it is not and odd thing to do for your blog.
You may have seen professional blogs like Filehippo, who's blog posts are enclosed in borders which look very attractive. Today i am going to teach you how to add border to your blog posts in blogger.


How to enclose Blogger Posts in Borders

  • First of all visit Blogger dashboard.
  • Now click on the template tab of your site.
  • Then click on the Edit HTML button.
  • Now press ctrl+f and find ]]></b:skin>
  • Now copy the below code and paste it above the ]]></b:skin> tag
.post-body {
border:groove 5px;
  •  If you do the above steps just save your template! you have done!

Personal Customization

-If you want to change the style of the border then replace the text in red with other type of border whatever you want such as solid etc.
-If you want to add a background image to blogger posts then replace the text in green with url(), put the image url in parenthesis too.

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How To add Borders to Sidebar widgets in Blogger

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 November 2013 0 komentar
You may have seen many blogs having sidebar widgets bound around by borders and beautiful background images. You think it for your blog............ Utopia.Don,t worry today I am going to teach you how to customize your sidebar widgets by adding border and background image to it.Below is the brief tutorial which will make you able to do so.


How to add Border (Customize)  to Sidebar widgets in blogger

  • First of all goto blogger dashboard.
  • Now click on the template >> Edit HTML.
  • Proceed in the template coding.
  • Press ctrl+f and find ]]></b:skin> tag.
  • Now copy the below code and paste it above or before the ]]></b:skin> code.
.sidebar .widget {
border: 2px solid;

 Customization Before saving Template (Extra Stuff)

- Now if you want the border to be little far from the widget which is called padding, simply change the value in padding to your desire.
-If you want to add a background image behind your sidebar widgets the simply add the url of your image to the () in the above coding.
-if you want to change the border type change solid to dotted, groove or whatever you want.
  • If you do the above steps, then click on the save template!
  • You have done adding border to to sidebar widgets.

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Cara Rooting Smarfren New Andromax-i

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 17 November 2013 0 komentar
Berikut ini adalah cara melakukan root New Smartfren Andromax I
  1. CWMR And ADB, bisa didownload di sini 
  2. SuperSU, bisa di download di sini
  1. Masukkan file Ke Sd Card 
  2. Nyalakan sebugging USB HH Droiders
  3. Extract file Tool.rar
  4. Tekan Shift + klik kanan Di folder hasil extractnya
  5. Pilih "Open command window here"
  6. Ketik "adb devices" (tanpa tanda kutip)
  7. Jika terbaca, akan muncul tampilan seperti ini
  9. Lanjut ketik "adb reboot bootloader" (tanpa tanda kutip)
  10. Lalu HH akan ter-Restart secara otomatis dan masuk ke mode fastboot
  11. Lanjut Ketik "fastboot boot recovery.img" akan terlihat seperti ini
  12. Jika sudah masuk CWM, Pilih Update zip from sdcard- Gunakan volume up untuk ke atas dan volume down untuk ke bawah
  13. Gunakan tombol power untuk memilih
  14. Pilih file
  15. Tunggu hingga selesai
  16. Back Lalu pilih reoiders boot now
  17. Check apakah ada aplikasi bernama SuperSU ? Jika ada berarti selamat! New Andromax-i Droiders telah berhasil diroot 
  • Jika ADB belum terbaca, bisa memakai tool Zhoudashi,Wondershare,Snappea. Zhoudashi bisa didownload di sini
  • Jika pada saat Shift + Klik kanan tidak keluar open command windownya, solusinya extract tool.rar Di C:\ lalu buka  CMD dan ketik "cd C:\Tool" (Tanpa Tanda Kutip). Setelah itu eksekusikan seperti biasa  
credit: Fery Wardiyanto dan Daffa D'Cheater Sevenvoldism

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Minimize your Files Size with FileMinimizerSuite7.0

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 November 2013 0 komentar
FileMinimizerSuite7.0: Sending files over the internet is a little tedious thing when it comes to send large files having lot of space on the Hard disk. Fileminimizersuite7.0 is an awesome software which do minimizing your file about 90% according to its software developers. This software does not change the content but only reduces its size so it can be send easier through internet. However FileMinimizerSuite7.0 supports certain file formats to be compressed or minimized following are those supported file formats. 

Supported File Formats in FileMinimizerSuite7.0

  1.  PDF.
  2. JPG, PNG and TIFF.
  3. Excel documents
  4. Microsoft word documents.
  5. Lotus notes.
  6. Notepad Notes.
  7. Zip.
  8. Powerpoint documents.
  9. High compressing capability
  10. Minimum system requirements.
  11. 100% free on our blog
Download Fileminimizersuite7.0 for Free

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    Tips Memperbaiki Masalah Camera "Unfortunately Gallery Has Stopped" di Android

    Posted by Unknown Jumat, 15 November 2013 0 komentar
    Pernahkah ketika anda mau membuka Camera, Instagram dan Camera360 terus tiba-tiba anda keluar dari aplikasi tersebut tanpa alasan yang jelas dan muncul pesan peringatan “Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android” entah apa hubunganya dengan camera, instagram serta Camera360 penulis kurang tahu. Dan entah karena apa foto-foto penulis di gallery jadi rusak semua. Bagi orang narsis yang sangat suka mendokumentasikan suatu moment, ini merupakan sebuah bencana.
    Penulis menemukan masalah ini sering terjadi di Android Jelly Bean entah ini bug dari OS Jelly Bean atau apalah penulis sampai detik ini masih googling di forum android luar negri. Dan setelah penulis googling, ditemukan beberapa cara dan dicoba di droid yang mengalami masalah yang sama, akhirnya kembali seperti semula. Oke disini penulis memiliki banyak cara untuk memperbaikinya,

    Cara pertama,  Memperbaiki Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android

    1. Buka Settings.
    2. Masuk ke Apps -> Manage Apps.
    3. Cari aplikasi Camera.
    4. Kemudian pilih Force Stop dan jangan lupa untuk clear cache.
    Jika sehabis ini Camera, Instagram atau Camera360 anda sudah baikan dan tidak ada masalah lagi, ya berarti anda telah berhasil memperbaiki Android Jelly Bean Anda. Jika masih merasa Android anda masih bermasalah dan setiap kali anda membuka Camera masih muncul “Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android”. Maka cara tadi tidak bekerja dengan baik, dan untuk itu saya sediakan cara kedua.

    Cara kedua, Memperbaiki Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android

    1. Masuk ke recovery mode (googling ctentang cara masuk recovery mode sesuai tip droid masing-masing) 
    2. Setelah itu anda pilih wipe cache partition.
    3. reboot system now.
    Sampai cara kedua Android milik penulis tidak mengalami masalah seperti ini lagi “Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android”. Akan tetapi jika android anda masih mengalami hal yang sama, seorang teman di forum luar negri menyarankan untuk melakukan factory reset. Dan teman lain penulis yang mencobanya, mengatakan cara tersebut sukses dan tidak pernah lagi mengalami masalah tersebut.

    Cara ketiga, Memperbaiki Unfortunately, gallery has stopped working Android

    Ini merupakan cara terakhir yang saya punya, caranya sama seperti cara kedua. Akan tetapi yang anda pilih adalah Wipe Data/Factory Reset. Jika sudah selesai maka pilih reboot system now.
    NB : Perlu diperhatikan, factory reset berarti anda mereset total android anda. Apabila anda melakukan ini baik data, foto, musik maupun data dari SD Card akan hilang semua. Sebaiknya sebelum anda melakukan factory reset, lepas dahulu SD Card anda. Dan Factory Reset akan membuat kondisi Android anda sama persis ketika anda baru pertama kali memilikinya.

    Sumber: Andreas 

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    Top 5 Must have android Apps 2014

    Posted by Unknown Selasa, 12 November 2013 0 komentar
    Must have android apps:One and half month to experience 2013, 2014 is on is head, we are set to post something uncommon as a procurement of 2014. Right away a days android applications has totally change the statement breathtakingly. Since there are practically applications improved to uncover the best approach to head off to better place, no doubt that is beyond any doubt. So let me share those android apps with you.

    Skype-Free IM and Video calls

    This is up to date planet, now is the right time to spare your plan and appreciate taxing day movie and sound calls through a solitary click all far and wide. You will be shock what is it? It is Skype which furnishes you the chance like this. So download it from the connection underneath.


    Google Chrome

    Google chrome is the quick browser that is all we know, it holds a considerable measure of characteristics which different browsers doesn't. So android designer think to advance this application for android too to offer profits to their clients.




    Google Maps

    Examine new places, uncover adjacent top decisions, and run your planet with Google Maps. Open on Android phones and tablets with a clear, easy to-use plan.
    Get where you need to run quickly with voice guided turn-by-turn Gps track, or endeavor open travel, biking, and walking headings 


    Avast Antivirus

    Ensure your Android phone and tablet with the top of the line free portable security application with both antivirus and hostile to robbery.
    -avast! Versatile Security keeps your gadget protected from infections, malware, and spyware.
    - It helps you find your lost telephone through our electronic telephone spot characteristic.
    - Remote apparatus lock or memory wipe in its propelled Anti-Theft part keep your information safe.
    - Handy instruments like system meter, application chief, and even firewall (on established telephones) give you finish control of your cellular telephone.
    download it totally free.

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    Cara Transfer Daftar Kontak dari iPhone ke Smartphone Android

    Posted by Unknown Minggu, 10 November 2013 0 komentar
    Untuk alasan tertentu mungkin ada diantara kalian yang memiliki rencana untuk melakukan pemindahan daftar kontak nama atau kontak telepon dari iPhone yang sudah lebih dulu anda miliki ke sebuah smartphone android yang mungkin baru saja anda beli. Ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan dan pemindahan ini tidaklah sulit, kalian bisa memindahkan atau menyalinnya satu demi satu daftar kontak ke smartphone android, namun pastinya pekerjaan ini tentu akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, nah menurut situs Tekonke, sedikitnya menemukan sebuah cara mudah dan cepat dalam melakukan transfer atau menyalin daftar kontak dari iPhone ke Android.
    Seperti dikutip dari AndroidAuthority setidaknya ada lima cara yang bisa dilakukan oleh pemilik iPhone yang memiliki rencana untuk melakukan transfer atau penyalinan daftar kontak atau daftar telepon ke smartphone android. Namun dalam tinjauan situs Tekonke dari kelima cara tersebut cara transfer daftar kontak yang paling mudah dan cepat adalah menggunakan bantuan aplikasi.
     Cara transfer daftar kontak
    Memindahkan, mentransfer atau menyalin daftar kontak dari iPhone ke Android dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Aplikasi My Contacts Backup untuk iOS dan Aplikasi Bump.
    Cara transfer daftar kontak iPhone ke Android menggunakan Aplikasi My Contacts Backup :
    Ini merupakan cara transfer daftar kontak yang mudah dan cepat dalam melakukan penyalinan yang tidak mewajibkan para pemilik iPhone harus terhubung dengan komputer saat melakukan penyalinan. Berikut caranya :
    • Instalasi aplikasi My Contacts Backup.
    • Jalankan aplikasi dan pilih Backup.
    • Setelah proses backup selesai, pilih tab email untuk melampirkan file backup dalam format VCF ke email.
    • Kirim email tersebut ke alamat akun gmail yang anda miliki.
    • Dan terakhir buka email tersebut melalui smartphone android anda dan download file lampiran VCF untuk selanjutnya melakukan import daftar kontak ke smartphone android anda.
    Cara transfer daftar kontak iPhone ke Android menggunakan Aplikasi Bump :
    Ini mungkin adalah salah satu aplikasi keren yang akan memberikan pengalaman baru kepada setiap penggunanya dalam melakukan transfer atau penyalinan daftar kontak dari iPhone ke Android. Digunakan dengan cara harus sudah terinstal di masing-masing perangkat, file daftar kontak dapat dengan mudah ditransfer cukup dengan cara menyenggolkan kedua perangkat secara bersamaan. Berikut caranya :
    • Instal aplikasi Bump di iPhone dan Android
    • Jalankan Bump pada kedua perangkat, izinkan saat permintaan pengiriman dibutuhkan, pada perangkat iPhone lalu geser ke kanan kearah daftar kontak.
    • Setalah itu pilih daftar kontak yang akan ditransfer atau disalin.
    • Setelah daftar kontak selesai dipilih, maka sebuah tombol Bump (Senggol) akan muncul di sudut kanan atas.
    • Senggolkan kedua perangkat dan lanjutkan dengan menekan tombol Connect pada jendela Popup yang muncul.
    • Daftar kontak selesai dikirim.
    Sumber: Tekonke

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    Wingsuit Lite: Now you can fly risk-free

    Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 November 2013 0 komentar
    How many times looking at the flying birds you thought why we can't fly and enjoy the freedom? It must be so much fun without worrying about traffic and congestion. Sure, we have airplanes and choppers but still these are machines and they do not give the feel of actual flying. Glider comes pretty close when we talk about the feel, then someone invented the wingsuit and yes once you are into it, it is the closest of flying like a bird.

    Wingsuit flying is considered as extreme sport due to the dangers associated with it and its not everyone's cup of tea, but do not worry the Android game Wingsuit Lite presented by Swipe Entertainment allows you to just do that without any associated risks and at the comfort of your home :). Wingsuit Lite is the free version of paid game Wingsuit Pro. 

    This game is all about flying, you play as a wingsuit flier and complete the challenges presented to you in the game. The game's 3D graphics are pretty smooth, overall it is quite a light weight game and my Nexus 7 (2012) can handle it without any hassle.

    Wingsuit Lite: Launch screen
    Wingsuit Lite: Launch screen
    Wingsuit Lite has two levels: "Valley" and "Village" where "Village" level is locked at the start and as you play the "Valley" level and complete the objectives you can get the level unlocked.

    Each level has two playing modes: "Points" and "Target" and both the modes are equally enjoyable and challenging. To unlock the next level you need to earn at-least three stars. It is quite difficult to earn three stars just by playing a single mode so try your hands on both the modes to collect the required stars.

    Wingsuit Lite: Level and modes
    Wingsuit Lite: Level and modes
    Game Play
    Game play is easy if you are not playing it for the sake of stars and just flying around to enjoy the view. But to score before you reach the end of the slope is a task. The trick is to fly closer to the ground to score quickly but again not too close else the gravitational force will make sure the player bite the dust :) and gets killed.
    Controls are easy and responsive, while flying just tilt the device horizontally or vertically to turn left / right or up /down. You can also try some tricks using gestures which can be learned from the help menu, well those are just some fancy tricks and will not help in anyway to gain points / score.

    Wingsuit Lite: Flying over the valley
    Wingsuit Lite: Flying over the valley
    The level starts when the player jumps from a cliff and starts flying and as he reaches the end of the valley and opens the parachute it ends. In target mode, you need to score a specific target to get stars and in points mode, players needs to pop maximum balloons floating around to get stars.

    Wingsuit Lite: Medical report of the flier after the accident
    Wingsuit Lite: Medical report of the flier after the accident
    Once you secure the minimum required stars the next level gets unlocked.

    Wingsuit Lite: Unlocking of Village level
    Wingsuit Lite: Unlocking of Village level
    In Village level, you fly over a scenic village where the huts can be seen along the river banks and some small bridges over it. This level can also be played in target or points mode.

    From the options menu you can choose to see the recording of your last played level and its quite interesting as you can view it from various camera angles. 

    There are few more levels but in the Wingsuit Lite version you have access to only two levels. You can buy the paid version to unlock all the levels.

    So do not wait, download this game and get ready to fly.

    Wingsuit Lite: Flying over the scenic village
    Wingsuit Lite: Flying over the scenic village
    How much it costs you: Not a single penny for the Lite version and 1 US $ for the paid version.

    If you like this post or know any other app / game in the same category, let me know via comments.
    To get notification about the new posts on this blog, do not forget to subscribe to this blog through email subscription option from the side bar.

    See also:
    Other such interesting games:

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    How to add keyboard keys effect to your text in Blogger

    Posted by Unknown Jumat, 01 November 2013 0 komentar
    Keyboard keys effect: Getting more famous throughout the blogosphere depends upon the design of your blog. There are many parts of blog to be designed, but today I am going to show you something unique. Professional bloggers uses keyboard keys effect on their text in blogger which looks very fascinating to the visitors in several aspects. The important one is understanding the tutorial.

    How to add keyboard keys effect to your text in Blogger

    • First of all visit Blogger dashboard.
    • Now click on the template tab there>> Edit HTML.(as shown below). 
    • Now search for the below code in the coding.
    • After finding the  ]]></b:skin> tag, copy the below code and paste it above the ]]></b:skin> tag.
    border:1px solid gray;
    box-shadow:1px 0 1px 0 #eee, 0 2px 0 2px #ccc, 0 2px 0 3px #444;
    margin:2px 3px;
    padding:1px 5px;
    • Now save your template!
    Now when you are creating a new post just do the following steps for this effect:
    • Create a new post.
    • Click on the HTML portion of your post.(as shown below)

    • Now copy the below code and paste it inside the HTML portion where you want.
    • Replace the Shadow with your desire text on which you want to apply keyboard key effects.

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    Monthly roundup: Top blog posts of October 2013

    Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
    Monthly roundup of the posts from the month of October 2013 on the top apps / games available on Android.

    1. Little Galaxy: Are you ready for space travel?
    Little Galaxy developed by developer Bitmap Galaxy is an Android Arcade game set in space. In this game you play as a young boy jumping from one planet to another in his journey. Little Galaxy game is quite light weight but the 3D graphics are pretty cool and gives a realistic feel of planets and stars.

    2. Prince of Persia Shadow & Flame: Return of the classic prince
    Prince of Persia Shadow & Flame: Ubisoft has launched one of the classic Price of Persia title Shadow & Flame with new age stunning 3D graphics and touch screen friendly controls. You as the Price of Persia starts your adventurous and dangerous journey to save your princess from the captivity of evil Jaffar.

    3. Stickman Base Jumper: Take a deep breath and jump
    Stickman Base Jumper: Developed by Djinnworks is a lightweight but additive game. If you fancy of base jumping like Mr Cruise as he does in Mission Impossible series, this game gives you the opportunity to just do that.

    1. Norton Mobile Security: The key to be worry free
    Android being such a flexible ecosystem has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main challenge is to protect phone from malicious apps and websites. Norton Mobile Security comes to your rescue to secure your phone and does its duty wonderfully. One of the best anti-virus and complete security solution available on Android.

    If you like this post or know any other app / game in the same category, let me know via comments section.
    To get notification about the new posts on this blog, do not forget to subscribe to this blog through email subscription option from the side bar.

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